Monday 26 April 2010

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the the full product?

Looking back at the preliminary task, I feel as though I have improved knowledge and understanding of all Photoshop, Quark, DSLR Camera's and Blogger. Although I have enjoyed the construction of both magazines, I feel as though I can construct, challenge and improve many images and text structure's which I may of not been able to do so in my preliminary task. With the help of Photoshop I feel that i have used it to its full potential for my music magazine, rather than my preliminary task, where I was only gave an amatuer performance and gave out a simple, yet boring magazine front cover. I have now learnt to remove items from an image for example people, the use of shaddowing to give a more boldness feel about my magazine, and of course the angle of images and text on my front cover, which should enable the overview of my final product to become a wierd but wonderful view about it.
Another way how i feel I have advanced from when i made my preliminary task, is that I now feel more independent when working on my product. When we first made the college magazine, we had to work in pairs which I felt was a bit frustrating as you could'nt put your points accross and use certain images unless the other person agreed. Although I felt me and my partner worked well and produced college magazine of a good standard, It was difficult to achieve anything on Photoshop and Quark, because none of us were familiar with the different tools and proccesses to make our magazine stand out from the rest. I also felt that working on my own, I could fit the completion of my magazine around my lifestyle. For example when we completed the preliminary task, It was difficult to get both partners working outside of lessons due to different timetable's. With both class time, outside of lessons and working at home, I felt the proggression of my media magazine could be undertaken with ease, and I would be able to finish with a good quality standard of work. I feel i have done this.
I also felt that i spent a lot of time researching my target audience. I feel that this proved as an advantage as in the preliminary task, me and my partner only based our college magazine on what we thought we be suitable. Using the stereotypical view of a certain genre e.g. Indie would of been the wrong thing to do, as i found out alot of detail when researching my freinds and how they felt was most important to them about this sub genre of music.
Organising was the key. I felt that by organising and timing my media magazine, by doing little bits at a time, was very effective in the completion of my final product. As in the preliminary task, me and my partner left it till the last minute to complete our colege magazine. I feel that this was the wrong thing to do as we made little errors which could of effected our marks. One of these little mistakes was the size of the masthead. We originally planned it to be a lot smaller which would enable the final magazine to be more unique towards the readers. I felt that doing little bits at a time, and doing work out of lesson time, helped the completion of my magazine easier as I had enough time to chop and change what i felt was right or wrong.
I also feel that by producing an effective plan or expanding on it makes the product seem better in the long run. For example in the preliminary task me and my partner did a really quick plan and started our main product straight after. By analysing the plans that i had made, a few weeks before the undertaking of my media product, i felt i could analyse each one to its full extent and expand on them. An example of this is the double page spread and how i used different colours of text to discuss the interview.

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