Sunday 25 April 2010

question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my niche but unique audience, I felt i had to use a range of colours, fonts and layouts to make the magazine lash out to my readers. By doing this I used in many cases the primary colours of red, white and blue. I felt that by using these well known colours especially as they simbolyse the mod target of the late 60's and 80's, this would immediately imply to the reader. Although i was trying to compare my magazine to others such as NME or Q which i thought were simular to mine, from the start i wanted my magazine to be one of a kind, so by doing this, it would make my magazine seem a unique product, that only proper music lovers would buy. The reason why i used big, bold and bright colours to make my magazine stand out to my target audience was because i feel as though my psychographic groups needed to have a sence of fun, strong willed and relaxed atmosphere about the front cover, double page spread and contents. Although i used a sence of fun loving colour sceme, I made sure that i didnt want to make my music magazine product seem as though it was immature and mainstream. To enable this, I used striking images such as nude, swearing, graffiti etc to put my point accross to the viewer. I also included text on my front cover such as "Lets go have the f****n world!". This should hopefully suggest to the reader that it is not a mainstream magazine where all younger teenagers buy it and aspire to be like their favorite artist, wheras the artists in my magazine are like the people of the public. The choice of colour on my images also backed the bright, full of life colours on my front cover. For example i used a clack and white image on my strapline to give the sence of retro and unique feel about my product, which I feel would attract my target audience even more, due to the fact that my magazine's sole purpose was to relive and celebrate some of the former glory of rock music in Great Britain. Like i mentioned earlier, i tried to aim my music magazine at a range of different psychographic groups, but also a range of groups on the jicnar scale. To acheive attracting both audiences I felt i needed to change the choice of language used when discussing to type of bands which I had included in my magazine. For example a working class band used a lot of taboo termonology- "lets fuckin' ave' em'." For the middle class band i used striking images such as running through a field with designer clothes on. I felt that by dressing my bandmembers in such a way e.g. parka's; this would enable my middle class readers a sence of pride towards this band- giving them a voice and breaking the steriotypical view of middle class students being all nerdy and not living their lives properly.
Double page spread.
Comparing my double page spread to other simular magazines for example Kerrang, NME and Q, I feel as though they have a lot of simularities but also a lot of differences which i can comment on.
For example, The colour of the text and background is very different compared to Kerrang double page spread. The reason why i felt it was neccessary to use a white background, with standard text colour, was to show the calm but coolness about the band i was talking about. I felt that by using a hardhitting colour such as a black or a strong/dark red, this would not imply to same technique and awarness about my band to the readers. I also feel it would give off the wrong impression of the band. An example of this is that i didn't want my band to have the overview of a scary and dark group, who would be classed in the 'goth/emo' section of musical acheivement. I feel that the images also have a musical difference. For example the main cell of the Kerrang double page spread is of a man with his head bowed down with his microphone in his hand. I felt that by looking at this image, the impression of the band may seem sad and emotional on stage. The reason why i used cool, colours on my main cell for example a green field, green parka's etc i feel would give the reader a sence of happyness about reading the article on The Quads. IT also links with the type of psychographic genre i have used- hedonistics. The reason why i included to use an old building in the shot was the show the 'old' feel about my magazine, that has been brought back to life once more. I felt that this would compare the type of music i was so closely focused on. For example, bringing it back into life and re-living the greatest memories of the 'mod' era.
Kerrang double page spread:

The Reaign double page spread:
Comments from my target audience:
After the completion of my music magazine, i felt it was neccessarry to post my front cover, contents and double page spread onto facebook to acheive a bit of feedback to see what my target audience thought of my overall performance. As many of my friends are into the rock/indie side of music and fit the psychographics perfectly, I felt that their comments would really be helpful for my music magazine to be succesful.
Front Cover:
Dave Pitt: Good use of images, text and colour. Would really buy this music magazine if i had enough fucking money!
Oliver Russel: I think the colours attract my eye the most. The red, white and blue symbolising the mod target of that important era in music history, will give the readers full confidence in perchasing a copy. Well done.
Greg Bayliss: Aw shame about the language! I showed my mom when i got home and she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the strong uses of 'F' words. maybe cover up the words abit and then i'll buy a copy. Shame :)
Rach Cassidy: Where can i get one?!
Steve stokes: Woaw fair you've got Davey P in the nude ;). Reminds me of the old days in Birmingham. Congrats!
Gee Oliver: Liking the pictures Matty ;) shame about the white background but never mind! Where can i get a copy from?
Dan Winney: I can see you went to alot of effort taking these photos, I really like the dress sence as well which I feel people may apsire to purchase the same type of clothes. Just one question.. where can i get one of those fucking parka's from?
Double Page Spread:
Rich Mason: Loving the language Matty! i wish this band were real :(
Henry Pugh: I feel the background colours make the reader aware of the bands personality which is cool. Shame about the type of language used, but it does give off the bands reputation and dreams about taking over the world. congrats dude.
Vicky Ashmore: Brilliant! Dave Pitt sounds like a young Liam Gallagher in the early days of Oasis! Loving the sharpness and connection between the band members, loving the clothes, the scenery, the language and just the whole way the band are introduced. Gets my vote!
Overall.. Looking back at all the comments that were made on facebook, I feel as though I have acheived what i originally planned which was to give my magazine a hard but classy feel about it, Strong use of colour and images and of course the strong use of language. I also acknowledge the fact that I went to a lot of effort to take these images (Weston) and it is good to be recognised by the readers.
I also apreciate what needed improving. For example the use of language may seem abit to much for the 'lighthearted' readers of the Reign magazine. Although i tried to aim my magazine at boith areas on the jicnar scale, I particularly focused my double page spread on a working class band, with a working class view on the world.

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