Monday 26 April 2010

Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the proccess of contructing this product?

Whilst the proccess and completion of my music magazine, I have experienced using many new proggrammes which I feel would have been impossible to reach such a high standard of images, text, and colours if these proggrammes were not possible.

Abode Photoshop:

Before the construction of my media magazine, I had no previous experience of using photoshop, so therefore had no idea how to use it to its full extent. The only thing I thought this proffesional proggramme could do, was to remove spots from your face and make you look goregous. Throughout the proccess of my magazine I learnt that this was not the case. I found that you could edit images with a 'Lassoo' tool, and a 'Magic Paintbrush' to acheive the best image possible. I also felt that it makes your work stand out even more impotantly to you as you can use a free hand drawing object (lassoo), which allows you to draw, edit and colour in segments which is not normally possible on other editing sites such as paint etc. After editing many pictures for my front cover, Double page spread and contents, I now feel I am confident in using Abode Photoshop to acheive even better images, which I feel may stand out to the reader even more. An example of an image I used on my front cover, was the main cell. I used photoshop to remove people in the background which enabled the band member 'David Pitt' to stand out to the reader even more.

QuarkXPress: Like Photoshop, I didn't have any previous knowledge or understanding of how to use this proffesional proggramme. I used this product on my double page spread. At first i was going to use Photoshop for my double page spread, but because Quark is very easy to contruct lines, columns and tables, I felt that this proggramme would be exremely important in the completion of my double page. I also felt that inserting images into Quark was a very easy proccess to complete; for example after you have copied and paste your image into an image box, you can right click and it locates the item "fit to box". I felt that by using this important tool, it would minimise my image small enough to fit in the box, but without distauting the image completely and making it become hard for the reader to see exactly what is going on in the image.

DLSR Camera: I felt that by using such a highly equipped camera, this would make my music magazine stand out to the readers even more. I originally intended to just use the portrait setting (the one with the lady wearing a hat), but after trying and testing other settings, I felt the fast moving setting (the one with the man running) was the most effective, as it shows strong use of colours but in a blur'ry sequence. I also felt that the zoom and depth of field settings, made my magazine stand out even more. The fact that it was possible to zoom from such an angle and still have a great level of pixel of the model made my magazine seem proffesional and well worth the money.

Blogger: I felt that by using Blogger, I could blog, note, draft, analyse and delete any unwanted/wanted peices of material that would help me in the completion of my media product. I also feel that I am confident in using it, as i have completed a lot of media work on Blogger at home. The fact that its all saved onto the computer also makes it a lot easier to keep track on what i need to do For example: you can download images off facebook and include them into your blog space.
Overall: Overall I have enjoyed using the technologies that were given to me to complete my media magazine. As I have had no previous experience in using these particular proggrammes such as photoshop and Quark, I now know how to transform, edit and construct images from scratch to make the image or text stand out to the reader even more. Although constructing many of the images was not easy, I feel I have proggressed strongly and now understand to continue with my next media project using all of these proggrammes.

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