Sunday 25 April 2010

Question 4: Who would be your audience for your media product?

The age range that I aimed my music magazine would be between 18-25. The reason why i chose this particular age group, was because i feel that its when a male/female have matured enough to know about the world, rules of society, making their owen choices and how to be more independent, but is still young enough to go out and have a good time. I felt that by aiming my magazine at a more younger audience e.g. 15, my final product may have been classed as more mainstream as the magazine could be liked by a big friendship group, which is not what I originally intended.

In terms of psychographics, the genre of my audience I feel must be an individualist, hedonist, radicalist and of course a realist. I felt that by slotting my magazine techniques for example the language of my interviews, striking images etc to fit around these sub cultures, this would make my music magazine feel more unique and 'one of a kind' to the customer. Another reason why i felt it was neccesarry to give the impression of a 'strong believers' magazine, where the target audience go with their gut feeling in life and live it before they decide to settle down in a career, was because i felt that it was hard to find such a strong willed person who has a part of each psychographics in them. This enabled my magazine to be even more unique to the customer as it would be one of a kind and the perfect magazine to them.

After close consideration and thought about where to aim my target audience on the jicnar scale, I feel that they would range from D-C1. The reason for choosing a working class sector to a well educated sector is because i tried to include the type of bands, language and images ranging from these different levels of the scale. For example i included the band 'The Quads' in my magazine and these were known as a typical working class band. I proved this point through the interview I had with their frontman Dave Pitt: "Yer well I dont give a fuck about him anymore", was just some of the hardhitting taboo language I used to give the reader feel proud of their background/roots, to give the working class man a voice and it almost connects the band as one of them. I also used striking images to get the point accross as a working class band, for example: This picture shows an 18 year old male at a party having a good time. I felt that by using this image it would give the impression of a working class background eg. the drunkness, nude, graffiti etc. I also feel it fits into all three psychographics as it shows the person is very strong wiled in what he believes in, not caring about the future and just generally living in the moment.
The next band i mentioned in my music magazine were "The Maccabies". As they were from the middle class section on the jicnar scale, i had to find a way of fitting them into all three psychographic areas. Although i didn't have a big interview with them to discuss their future plans and to show their differences between a working class band through their educated language etc, i chose to show it through images. This image shows all three band members running through a field, dressed in unique, but well dressed and expensive clothes. I wanted to give the impression that they were running through a farmers field without permission so this would be classed as tresspassing. I felt this would attract the more higher up audience to buy my magazine, because they may want to aspire to be one of these band members. I also felt it may overshaddow and represent the middle class audience, not just to be a clever, rich bunch of well educated boys and girls, but to show that they can party hard and enjoy themselves, just as working class kids do too. This is why i feel the maccabies give middle class people a voice and to say to people 'dont underestemate us'.

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