Friday 29 January 2010


Front Covers:




Contents Pages:



Double Page Spread:



Audience Profile- Target audience:

. Since the start of my magazine production and planning, i have tried to aim the magazine at the male gender. I was going to try and make it a more unisex magazine by including a more femenin side, such as different girls products like posters and T-shirts, but i feel that as i am giving the magazine a hard-hitting mod/indie feel, this would be more ideally suited for males. Although i am not excluding the female side of my magazine, i also belive that a niche audience of women may read this if they are into products such as Vespas, and 'blokes' news, such as football, violence, banter, clothes/clobber and cars.

Target Audience
. When i first starting researching and planning for my music magazine, i was going to aim it at a much more younger audience (14-16). I believed that as younger teenagers are completely upto date with their music, i thought i would get a wider audience range because as i am introducing a more niche audience with bands that are unisgned or unknown, this would be my greatest audience.

After researching a number of college students and attained their feedback, I feel that the age range 18-24 would suit my magazine best. This is because i am going to include older bandssuch as Oasis, Blur and The Stone Roses in my magazine, which younger teenagers may not be so familiar with. I also feel that because most 18 year old boys are going 'indie', this will give my magazine an even bigger audience.

. Originally i felt that i wanted a wide fanbase, who purhase the magazine each week and to be sold in most shops and music stores, but also after long consideration i feel that i want a more niche market, where the magazine is to be sold in either independent record shops or in various small shops like small clothing stores such as Jingo with a good reputation. I felt i wanted to use this idea as it would make the reader feel more priviliged/loyal reading it, as there would only be certain copys available to order. I also feel that by selling them in these small unique shops, it will make the overview and reputation of the magazine retro/vintage and 'back in business'.

When i was first researching for my music magazine, i wanted my target audience to wear designer logo's such as Billionaire Boys Club/ Ice Cream, Vivienne Westwood, Dior, Alexanda Mcqueen, Gucci, Louis Vuitton etc. After doing more research about my target audience, i found that most of these labels were too 'extreme' and wouldnt fit my genre of a indie/mod look. This is because most of the people that wear these designer brands are more into Hip-Hop and support artists such as Kanye West, Drake, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne etc.
Although i am not including these brands in my magazine, i will include more indie and hard hitting labels such as Pretty Green, Folk, Stone Island, Fred Perry,Luke etc. Another reason for including this is that the price of these clothing labels are not as expensive and extreme as the 'hip hop' fashion ones.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Audience Research- Moodboard Feedback:

After succesfully uploading my moodboard onto facebook, i had some very useful feedback about the genre, age group and what i needed to improve, by the audience who wrote on my collection of images. Wth my initial questions being based around:
. What genre would this apeal to most?
.What age group is it best suited for?
. Any critisisms or problems with my mood board?
I found that many people were civilised enough and answered the questions correctly with more than enough detail. With lots of information and details about my moodboard, it was quite difficult to pick from the best.
These are a few i picked which i felt were most useful to me in making the final decisions about my magazine:

-I would probably say this is a very contrasting piece as the backgrounds vary greatly from the brighter colours of red to the subtle colours of browns and greens...I like the way you introduced more indie bands to the piece and more innocent childish things as in the bicycle etc .. Veryy good mood board..You can tell it would be aimed at the older age 16 onwards as it has a very sophiscated appeal which wouldn't relate top the younger generations.
-I think that the genre for your moodboard is indie with a slightly 'mod' feel to it. One of the ways why i think this, is because there are various pictures of people in Parkas and Winkle picker shoes. I feel that it would be ideally suited and aimed at males between the ages of 16-26. Another thing i can see on this mood board is various designer brands such as Luke, Pretty Green and Fred Perry. This appeals to me as I am a follower of fashion and suggests that this magazine is for the 'trendy' side of indie. I alo think that with the bright colours, this will appeal to its market audience because they will stand out among the rest. Overall a great moodboard although i feel it is a bit masculine and could include a more femenine side to it by including womens clothing, or maybe even by having your main picture as a a woman and a man. :)

1. the genre indie
2. mainly aimed young men
3. no
- the bright colours will make the magazine stand out!

Monday 18 January 2010

Summary of your research into existing magazines:

. The magazines i have looked at both include a lot of 'hard hitting' fonts. These are used for the titles, sub headings and quotes to express and emphasise new bands on the scene and up and coming events such as festivals. The different fonts can range from what type of band it is. for example if an indie band such as the arctic monkeys are on the front cover, or are featuring in the magazine, there is usually a more 'underground' style of font used. With other bands such as the Beatles, more upper class and formal fonts are used, which look to the reader as being more easy to read.
: For example the font used for The Libertines logo is what the magazines i have researched use regularly to express what is in the magazine. This is also known as Distorted font and i feel that by using this type of font in my own magazine will give it the more underground and indie feel that i most desire to be in my final poduct.
. The fonts that are used particularly on the front cover, usually contain deep/bright colours to express their importance, which will attract the readers attention even more than basic colours such as black and white. The colours that i noticed that were being used were mostly red and gold. (NME & Q magazines)

. The magazines i have looked at also include a large image on the front cover, showing what is the most important and main article in the magazine. On the back of the magazine it usually includes advertising of different music products such as headphones. I will hopefully include all of this data in my own music magazine. Also on the front cover it shows smaller images of the other articles featuring in the magazine.

. Another thing that i have noticed is that the magazines usually have a main, central image on the magazine face. This immediatly implies to me that this is the main feature and article in the magazine. The magazine also has smaller images labelled and scattered around the front cover. I feel this is a useful key to selling the mag as it directly shows the reader/audience what is in the magazine.

. I have also noticed that the smaller images on the front cover displaying what order they are in the magazine, have various different backgrounds, weather they're hard hitting which stands out to the reader directly (action shot) for example if the image was taken at a festival or session, or if the image has been shot in a studio. On my magazine cover i intend to include a range of action shots such as a seaside session in Brighton, and hopefully use some studio images where the background doesnt stick out to the reader as much.